20 Feb 2007

What does Singapore Permanent Residency mean to a Filipino?

Culture Shiok!

One known reason (if it's not the main reason) of why Filipino workers take Singapore Permanent Residency (PR) is security. If an employment pass (EP) holder leaves the company, the EP is canceled and he must leave Singapore unless employment with another company.

This was addressed when the Singapore government introduced the Personal Employment Pass (PEP) scheme. The new PEP allow the holder is not tied to the employer and will be granted on the holder's individual merits. The PEP allows the holder to remain in Singapore for up to six months in between jobs to evaluate new employment opportunities.

But for a Filipino who has become as "kiasu" (Singlish, afraid to loose) as a Singaporean, this is not secured enough. Changing jobs in Singapore won't be that easy and there's always the risk of being rejected when you apply for an EP.

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